Friday, March 2, 2012

Day 56: Weirdassbooksareweirdass.

1st March 2012

Day 56

Apple iPhone 4

Thursday morning, Wan woke me up my giving me a call. Bloody Nyancat started playing on my phone, and I was all...
"Who the eff is calling me...Wan? ._."

Answered the phone in my deep morning voice, and she was asking me out for dinner.

So sure enough, we had dinner, then we spent some time at the library and found the dryest damn book we've ever seen, it's called 'The Walking Man'.
I GUESS its appeal is the fact that it had decently beautiful landscape art? BUT SRSLY? All Wan and I were talking about was how bizarre everything in it is >_>

Thanks for dragging me out of the house, Dear. xD


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